No municipal process can reach its full operational potential without a functional and efficient control system.

At Sabel Mechanical, we stand ready to meet your need for instrument and control maintenance, offering quality workmanship and speedy delivery. From the simplest of electrical panel repairs to a complex assessment of level transducers efficiency, we’ve got you covered all the way.

Flow Meters

We work with every model and make of industrial flow meters, offering inspection and overhaul. From magnetic to ultrasonic flow meters, trust Sabel Mechanics with all your calibration, maintenance, and refurbishing needs.

Level Transducers

Monitoring water usage and quality requires a high degree of precision and functionality from your level transducer devices. Whether your setup requires continual or discrete level measurements, you can rely on Sabel to keep your transducer operational at all times.

Control Panels

A common point of failure in large industrial systems is the humble electrical control panel. If in need of extensive troubleshooting by highly trained technicians, turn to Sabel Mechanical with all your control panel concerns.

VFD Installation and Programming

Controlling the speed and torque of electric motors are variable frequency drives (VFDs). At Sabel Mechanical, we provide full service VFD management, from repairing or reprogramming existing drives to installing brand new ones.

Other instrument and control services

Communication dialers, float switches, level probes, pressure transmitters, valve actuators…


Sabel Mechanical LLC is hiring! Interested in joining our growing team? Send in your application, and we’ll get in touch!

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